Musicians. Are you one?

Posted: January 26, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Musicians. Are you one? Do you own the rights to your music? Are you looking to expand your audience? Want to be on a compilation?

About the project:

The goal is to travel to California, Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Illinios, New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island in 2014, taking photos every step of the way and spreading the love of film photography. We want to meet you! Have photo meetups with photographers, shoot film with folks, interview photographers, interesting passersby and people we admire while experiencing the US and it’s many landscapes!

During each step of the journey we will share our stories, our images, our interviews, epiphanies, videos, the ups and downs, the ugly and the beautiful, the lessons and the sunsets via social media in the form of facebook posts, blog entries, instagram posts and videos and whatever else our hearts desire so you can be a part of the journey every step of the way.

Why we need musicians:
Film Photography Revolution is a journey, and like every good journey, it needs a soundtrack, road trip music! For our Kickstarter campaign we thought it would be awesome for one of the rewards to be a mix CD featuring some of our favorite indie musicians.

The guidelines for submission are:

  • It must be an original song, i.e. you must own it (so I don’t get sued!), no covers
  • Songs should be around 5 minutes or less, (we’re trying to fit a good amount of bands on here!), however, if you have a song that’s just over (ex. 5:30) we will still consider it.
  • Please send band link info, website, facebook, etc. for me to include in the CD insert and posts so we can tell the world about your awesome music!
  • *OPTIONAL* You can mail promotional items (stickers, pins, fliers, etc.) if you would like us to include them with the mix CD when we ship out the Kickstarter rewards.


  1. The songs may also be sampled in our Kickstarter campaign video, and in the possible documentary to follow, full credit given if we do. If you only want your song to be featured on the mix CD please make sure to let us know when sending it our way.
  2. Please have songs in by February 15th.
  3. Songs can be e-mailed to:

Thank you for joining our revolution, we look forward to rocking out with you!

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