Posts Tagged ‘revolution’

The 2014 Film Photography Revolution Begins in San Diego, CA!

Our first stop on the Film Photo Revolution Tour in 2014 is San Diego, CA May 30th-June 1st! A road trip from Arizona to California! We’re excited to kick things off and are already mapping out the rest of the journey including  an art show in New York City in July!

Big thanks to our first sponsor, Lomography, for supplying us with fresh and creative films to take along for the ride!


We can’t wait to capture the US and all of it’s amazing people on film, we can’t wait to hit the pavement and have photowalks with you! Stay tuned to the blog for all of our updates along the way! I hope we can meetup!

If you haven’t checked it out yet we also have a new Etsy Shop with goodies for film lovers, including zines, camera straps and more! Sales from the zines will help us host workshops and classes and travel to see you! More goodies to come!

Keep Shooting Film,

In light of the recent Fujifilm announcement, I think it is time to uncover Film Photo Revolution. It’s time to take on the world, to connect all of our film communities, to unite under the purpose of photography and preserve, protect and promote film photography. Film Photo Revolution’s first order of business is a US Tour to promote film photography and build our collective through workshops, artshows, and meetups around the country. Bringing art to the community and creating new film users every step of the way. Join us. The first step is to create the Kickstarter campaign and video. We are looking for photos of you holding a sign that says “I Love Film,” “Save Film,” or something along those lines, take it with any type of camera you please and send your  images ASAP to:

Include your name and location in your e-mail!!